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The Jerzee Joe podcast is a fast-paced half-hour show that brings news stories you won’t hear on TV or perspectives on stories you may have heard on your TV, but the media decided not to broadcast. You might hear a story about members of one political party voting against a piece of legislation with an altruistic name like “The save the baby seals act,” but they will never tell you why. When you hear the real reason, you might want to thank them for voting as they did.

We cover 4-5 topics in each show ranging from politics to the environment, to energy to developments in the world of science, plus the quote of the day and a daily “Taxpayer Relief shot” story where a good guy (or good woman) with a gun shoots and kills a criminal, saving the taxpayers the cost of a jury trial and the costs associated with the incarceration of that criminal.

If you have questions, comments, or requests about topics he has covered on his show or would like him to talk about, you can e-mail him at​

Season 6 episodes:
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