The Jerzee Joe podcast is a fast-paced half-hour show that brings news stories you won’t hear on TV or perspectives on stories you may have heard on your TV, but the media decided not to broadcast. You might hear a story about members of one political party voting against a piece of legislation with an altruistic name like “The save the baby seals act,” but they will never tell you why. When you hear the real reason, you might want to thank them for voting as they did.
We cover 4-5 topics in each show ranging from politics to the environment, to energy to developments in the world of science, plus the quote of the day and a daily “Taxpayer Relief shot” story where a good guy (or good woman) with a gun shoots and kills a criminal, saving the taxpayers the cost of a jury trial and the costs associated with the incarceration of that criminal.
If you have questions, comments, or requests about topics he has covered on his show or would like him to talk about, you can e-mail him at
Season 6 episodes:
In this week's podcast, our quote of the week is an old one from economist Thomas Sowell, who points out the shocking loss of value inflation can have on money you try and save.
In our stupidest thing I've heard all week segment, we'll tell you what the US Agency for International Development (USAID) spent $400,000 taxpayer dollars on.
We'll play a clip of talk show host Joe Pags itemizing even more wasteful spending by that same agency.
We'll play an old clip of Senator Elizabeth Warren demanding that the Bush administration make public how Federal agencies are spending taxpayer dollars.
We'll tell you how US tax dollars are being funneled & laundered through a variety of non-profit organizations to fund anti-gun groups.
We'll tell you how a US Treasury commodity code payment tracking system is being ignored, making it almost impossible to audit and analyze Federal agency purchases. Was that last $12,000 check for office supplies or ammunition? Shouldn't the payment system be able to answer that simple question?
We'll play a talk show host Jon Stewart clip lambasting Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer for his childish press conference theatrics.
We'll tell you how much money people have donated to the legal defense fund of Luigi Mangione, the killer of the United Healthcare CEO.
We'll tell you how an armed private pilot prevented the hijacking of a commuter airline passenger plane.
Our taxpayer relief shot comes to us from Texas, where a barber shop employee shoots and kills an armed robber inside the shop.
In this week's podcast, our stupidest thing I've heard all week segment features several clips of voting-age young people who can't answer simple questions like "What is the capital of the United States?" or "How many weeks are in a year?"
We follow up that stupidity with examples of stupid & wasteful spending of your tax dollars uncovered by the new DOGE team.
We add to that government stupidity by telling you how many bogus payments highly paid US Treasury "Payment approval officers" have blocked in the past decade. If you guessed a number higher than ZERO, you guessed too high.
We'll tell you how many taxpayer dollars were donated to Bernie Sanders’s 2016 Presidential campaign committee and ask why any government agency should donate any money to any political candidate's campaign fund.
We play a satirical clip of a young boy participating in a spelling bee competition. The boy asks the judges for the definition of the word he has been asked to spell: "Woman."
We'll tell you about a deal that our new Secretary of State has struck with the President of El Salvador, which could involve El Salvador providing prison services for up to 40,000 US criminals & illegal aliens at a fraction of the $80,000 per year per inmate cost our government currently spends to incarcerate a federal prisoner.
Our taxpayer relief shot comes to us from Philadelphia. Here, a 60-year-old homeowner shoots & kills a man who broke into his home at 11:00 p.m.
In this week's podcast, our quote of the week is from economist Thomas Sowell on how lies can become accepted as the truth.
In our stupidest thing I've heard all week segment, we'll play a clip of a man in the UK being arrested for posting something on a social media site that caused someone else "Anxiety" when they read it.
We'll revisit a video clip from 2016 of many well-known people predicting that Donald Trump would never become president.
If you are a public figure, what is more embarrassing than to be made to look like a fool once? Why be made to look like a fool twice, of course!
We'll tell you how, on his eighth day in office, President Trump restored a massive supply of fresh water to the San Fernando Valley in California just one day after it was shut off nearly twenty years ago.
We'll play a clip from 2016 of President Obama telling the American People that he would be deporting criminal illegal aliens and ask why the media didn't criticize him for announcing that action then.
In a related story, we'll tell you how many illegal aliens the Biden administration deported in 2024 and ask the same question about the media's reaction when Biden was the one doing the deporting.
We'll tell you what happened to 4 brand new all-electric school buses purchased by a Massachusetts school district the night before they were supposed to be placed into service.
Our taxpayer relief shot comes to us from Harrison County, Indiana, where a homeowner encounters two teenage home invaders in his home in the middle of the night.
In this week's podcast, our quote is from the Prime Minister of New Zealand telling the residents of that country that the government is the only source they can look to for the truth.
In our stupidest thing I've heard all week segment, we'll tell you how, in his farewell speech last week, President Biden said the American people that the Equal Rights Amendment to the US Constitution had been ratified when it hadn't been.
In our first runner-up winner in our stupidest thing I've heard all week contest, we'll tell you about a 2019 lawsuit brought by an environmentalist group in California that may have helped make the recent wildfires in LA worse than they would have been had that lawsuit not been brought.
In our second runner-up to the stupidest thing I've heard all week contest, we'll tell you how the City of Boston school district plans to send a $35 Million Federal grant earmarked to purchase electric vehicles.
We'll play a clip of talk show host and California resident Bill Maher criticizing the City of Los Angeles and the State of California for handling the LA wildfires.
We'll update you on how much tax REVENUES have increased under the Trump tax plan and how much Government spending has increased over that same time.
Our taxpayer relief shot comes to us from Jackson, Mississippi, where a homeowner confronts two home invaders at 2:30 a.m.
In this week's podcast, our quote of the week is from JFK, who died in 1963, on why tax RATE cuts are good for the economy and generally translate to INCREASED TAX REVENUES.
A lot of this week's topics will focus on how badly California and Los Angeles have mismanaged their fire response resources, starting with our "Stupidest thing I've heard all week segment" where the California Department of Transportation delayed the arrival of 60 fire trucks from Oregon to the LA fire zone by requiring them to first detour to Sacramento for a safety inspection before they could continue to LA.
In our runner-up winner in the Stupidest Thing I've Heard All Week contest, we'll tell you how much the LA Fire District spent on an EV fire truck with no hoses or ladders because it can't carry any water.
In 2014, the voters of California approved a $7.5 Billion bond issue to build dams to capture rainwater and snow melt from the Sierra-Nevada mountains running into the Pacific Ocean. Now, 10 years later, we'll tell you how many new dams have been built. Hint: You would be wrong if you guessed a whole number greater than zero.
We'll provide you with some data on the short-term and long-term costs and reduction in tax revenues the City and County of Los Angeles will have to deal with in the months and years to come.
With the National debt increasing by about $2 trillion annually, we'll give you some examples of wasteful and unnecessary projects funded with your tax dollars in 2024.
We'll warn you about a sophisticated, personalized computer "Phishing" scam that has tricked thousands and cost victims tens of millions.
Our (abbreviated) Taxpayer relief shot comes to us from St. Paul, Minnesota, where four armed teenagers make the mistake of trying to rob a man in a park who was also armed.
In this week's podcast, our quote of the week is from the female comedian Whitney Cummings on how the Democrats bungled the 2024 election.
In a related story, we'll play a collection of clips from Biden administration officials lying to the American people about how mentally sharp President Biden was even after his mental decline had become the focus of satirical skits on Saturday Night Live back in 2023.
In a story you didn't hear on TV, we'll tell you about one of the people that President Biden pardoned and why this female doctor should never have been pardoned for her crimes that might have cost some cancer patients their lives.
In our "Stupidest thing I've heard all week" segment, we'll tell you how the State of New Jersey has lowered the standards for becoming a teacher in that state.
We'll tell you what the TV media didn't tell you about the identity of a person accused of stabbing a New York City Postal worker to death.
We'll share with you a summary of how many Law enforcement officers were murdered in this country in 2024 and what population demographic is responsible for the majority of those murders.
We'll reflect on the terrorist truck attack in New Orleans on New Year's Day and what it has to do with the call by liberals to ban so-called "Assault rifles' as a way to put a stop to mass murder events (Hint: it wouldn't).
We'll play a clip explaining what happens to your plastic cup when you put it in Starbucks's special "Recycling only" trash bin. If you think this means the cup will be recycled, you are in for a big surprise.
Our taxpayer relief shot comes to us from Ohio, where the owner of a home shoots and kills a man trying to break into his home at 2:00 AM while his girlfriend is on the phone with the 9-11 operator trying to get the police to come to their home.
For our last podcast of the year, we try and keep it a little lighter to end the year.
Our quote of the week is from Thomas Edison, who explains why many people miss opportunities to improve their lives.
I'll tell you what my New Year's resolution for 2025 is going to be
In the stupidest thing I've heard all week, we'll let you know about a completely unnecessary early morning raid that the ATF carried out at the home of a Black family living in Maryland, complete with the use of flash-bang grenades and putting their teenage daughters in handcuffs.
We'll give you a quick "Are you old" quiz to see if you qualify as old yet.
We'll tell you how many of the 100,000 people who attend the ball drop in New York City's Times Square deal with the issue of no public bathrooms within a 6-block radius of that location.
We'll tell you the 20 most commonly used passwords in 2024 and ask if you are guilty of using any easy-to-hack passwords.
We'll tell you about a new practice by insurance companies that might unnecessarily drive up your auto insurance rates and why you should check your policy for this potential mistake.
We'll tell you about a city in this country where, by law, every head of household is required to own a gun and what impact that law has had on crime & gun violence in that city.
We'll tell you about a new New York State law that punishes oil and gas companies. Under this law, every household in that state will pay an average of more than $400 per year in additional fuel and merchandise costs.
Our taxpayer relief shot comes to us from Bradenton, Florida where an armed illegal alien home invader from Chile comes face to face with an armed American homeowner.